GMO Labeling Bill Being Pushed in Florida

In Florida, one state representative is fighting to get genetically modified foods in super markets labeled. Proposed by Representative Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda, Florida House Bill 1 would require that all genetically engineered raw agricultural commodities and any processed foods made with genetically engineered ingredients be labeled.

The bill is currently in committee, which means it's still a long way from becoming law.


In Florida there's a renewed push to label our food that contains genetically modified organisms or GMO's. Some say consumers have the right to know while others say so much of our food is already genetically engineered under our government's watch that it's no big deal.

Florida House Bill 1 deals with genetically engineered foods and would make it mandatory that genetically engineered raw agricultural commodities and processed foods made with or derived from genetically engineered ingredients be labeled.

The bill was authored by State Representative Michelle Rehwinkel Vasilinda. The bill is in committee and is being discussed this legislative session.

Irene Olive Cates of St. Petersburg thinks it's a move in the right direction. She purchases organic foods and only eats fish.

"I'm trying to bring it back to the basics - the who, what, where and how our foods are made. So I'm all for small gardens, small community gardens and knowing exactly where your food is coming from," she says.

She believes Florida and the entire nation should push for the labels and points to the fact that more than 60 countries already have GMO labeling laws.

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